Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cigarette Ban Hurts Fans and Bands

Now this might be a little bit of a stretch for some people to agree with, but if you go to as many shows as I do, it's something that you start to notice. Just keep it mind the next time you go see a show.

Often during a show people who smoke will go out for a cig during the intermissions between bands and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes people, who have a very strong craving, will leave during a bands set. Now this is where the problem lies. If you leave during a set you miss songs, and the band can lose listeners. There have been shows where a band is playing and I don't necessarily like the song that they are playing, so I say to myself, "Now is a good time for a cigarette." But what happens if the next song they played I would've loved, or the next few (depending on how long the songs are and how long it takes to smoke)? And there in lies the problem.

When people leave during sets or leave between bands (and possibly miss the start of the next band) it hurts the fans and the bands. Bands could easily lose potential fans because they are out having a cigarette. If people are constantly leaving the show to have a cigarette then how will they hear the band- and how will they decide if they really like a band or not?

So the next time you're at a show keep in mind when you go out for a cigarette cause you could miss hearing your next jam or your new favorite band.

Get out there and support your local scene.

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