Monday, December 6, 2010

Best 2010 Local Metal Shows

2010 was an exciting year for local metal bands. There were some amazing shows that these bands got to take part in and I was happy that I got to catch them.

5. St. Patty’s Day Metal Mayhem at Mac’s- This show was the first local metal show I went to in 2010 and I’m glad I did. Endless Aisle played and got the crowd pumped up by interacting with the crowd in the pit. Although one band, XFactor1, was lame and didn’t fit in, Blacktooth Brigade and Sin Theorem made up for it.

4. Death Valley Dragline Oct.9 at Mac’s- I found out about DVD earlier in the year but every time they played I was already going to another show, so I put this one on my calendar. Upset by the fact that they played first, because they deserve more people to hear their stuff, didn’t matter because they rocked out like they were playing the Palace. Suma, a Swedish band, was interesting to watch. Their set was very theatrical, but then Unearthly Trance came on and the place exploded, the pit opened up, and I found another favorite band (at least for a while).

3. Impromptu show Nov.4 at Uli’s Haus of Rock- Blacktooth Brigade and All Ends Black put on a sudden show that Thursday night and it was exactly what I needed. Country Blacktooth went on first and played some old, down to earth country. Then All Ends Black played, reminding me why I like new bands, then BTB wrapped up the night. It was a chill night with everyone just hanging out, less formal than a show and it was nice to just be able to relax and listen to some great music.

2. Halloween Metal on the River Oct. 22 on the Michigan Princess- No better way to celebrate an early Halloween than to rock out with some local metal bands and dress up… and be on a boat. The line-up was awesome and I found one of my new favorite local bands, Chemical Crutch. With bands playing on both levels there wasn’t a time when music wasn’t playing, and seeing drunken people try and maneuver around a moving boat is always a good time.

1. The Girls Gone Wild Party Oct. 2 at Men’s Rea- This was the last stop on Blacktooth Brigade’s City Tour (Oct. 2)and they were the band that made this show the best of 2010. The energy level in the set spread to the crowd and the club exploded with it. The whole feeling in the room changed when they were playing. It went from I’m-at-a-concert to this-band-makes-me-want-to-rage. The other bands were good too, but nothing could top BTB’s set, and seeing them play at least 10 times now, it was one of their best sets performance-wise. Best show of 2010 and probably best show that will be played at the dank place now named Men’s Rea.

And since no list is a Top 6 I'll just make honorable mention of the acoustic show that Blacktooth Brigade played. It was amazing and I was surprised that a metal band could still sound like a metal band without drums and without being electric.

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