Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thursday Night at Uli's

After going to see the Filipino National Dance company perform I decided that a metal show was just what I needed to make my night normal- at least in my terms. And it never hurts when the show is free either.

Blacktooth Brigade and All Ends Black put on an impromptu show at Uli's Haus of Rock, or Pain according to Uli. Country Blacktooth played first and that was a little weird, mostly because it was actually good. Clint Cox, Daniel Neff, and Ian Smith entertained the crowd with some good ol' country music- not twangy, not poppy, just down home country. The set would have been a little better if they had actually spent time practicing with all of them, but other then the few mess ups with transitions they played well. And it had a great entertainment value nonetheless.

All Ends Black got up and rocked it out. Adam Ray's rap hands make me laugh, but they somehow fit with the scream metal they play. The set was perfect for letting out some rage or just enjoying some good music. Well setting up for their song "Last Laugh" Ray looked over at me and we were both laughing and he went on to say "if you don't know what this song is about go read spartan edge." I had covered the Halloween Metal on the River show, where they played, and in my article spoke of "Last Laugh" and how it was about Ray's old band, Endless Aisle. Some of EA's band mates saw the article and commented about the song, Ray was asking why I had to "sell him out"(but he wasn't actually mad) earlier in the night, so that's why we began laughing when they played it Thursday night.

Blacktooth Brigade closed the night off with a solid performance. I have seen them many times, but their songs still have the same effect on me, and now I know most of the words. Eric Wolfe's and Neff's solos were the icing on the metal cake, and as far as I could tell they didn't mess up. Halfway through the set Cox got a little preoccupied with ordering beers and kept asking if they were on the way, but he didn't let it interrupt the songs- just the time in between haha. Like always BTB put on a good set and the best part of it was that they enjoy playing those songs every time- whether or not they've played three shows in a row, or there are two people at the show, it just doesn't matter to them. They all love what they do which makes it easy for the crowd to love it too.

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