Sunday, September 26, 2010

Local Bands Add New Love for Music

I attended the First Annual Lansing Battle of the Bands show Saturday night at Macs and seeing the younger faces that made up most of the bands gave me new found respect, hope and love for music, especially local music.

The talent that resided in some of these kids was unbelievable. Their technical skills are really good considering that they are high school kids, and most looked like they were about 16. Seeing these kids show the passion for music gave me a new found hope in the local scene and in music in general. If there are kids like this everywhere, which I know there are it's just still nice to see it, then music has a promising future.

Even though most of the bands were not my first choice of genre/style/etc, they will be improving some life somewhere. They just have to keep pushing to get where they want to go.

Local music has always been one of my favorite things. Going to their shows, buying their $2 demo so they can have gas money for their next show or whatever they need to do, and just experiencing people who have the same passion as me. Without local music cities would be under-represented, under-appreciated, and just plain boring.

I have attended lots of local shows since I started school at MSU and it's been one of the greatest things I have found. The bands I've heard, the people I've met, nothing can replace it. If I had a shitty week and there's a show, no matter what day, I go and I forget everything. Let these bands' passion and talent melt away everything and just enjoy. There is nothing I would rather do than go see local bands perform- they can fix anything, some of them can even help you break into your car if you locked your keys in it.

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